Unexpectedly Long-Lasting Products Our Team Loves
March 30, 2018
Author: Josie Sivigny
Business Insider recently mentioned T&N in a roundup of items you’ll have to buy one–it got us thinking. What’s something we’ve purchased that has lasted far beyond our wildest dreams? We asked our team, and we found a few everyday items that have seen some things to add to your shopping list.
Jon—Customer Experience I am into several vintage things (video games, laserdiscs, board games) and while I didn’t purchase most of those things brand new, some of them have been built remarkably well. I do actually have a Montgomery Ward tube TV (Again, that I purchased second hand.) and it’s still going very strong.
Sarah M—Team Experience This is going to sound insane, but against all odds, I have managed to hold onto a single teal bobby pin from elementary school. It has traveled and moved with me over and over and unlike it’s flakey friends (Bobby pins just disappear right?) he’s stuck around.
Zac—Customer Experience There is a T-shirt that I bought at Pac Sun when I was 13. It fit perfectly then and it fits perfectly now so I’m convinced it grew with me. It was 10 dollars and I still love it. It has a couple holes now but they aren’t that noticeable. I’ve tried to buy more of them but the company doesn’t even exist anymore. It’s just a plain black v-neck and it hasn’t faded at all. It’s incredible and I don’t understand it.
Sean—Design I’ve always been really impressed by the durability of my Timex watches at their price point. They are like a $20-$30 watch and they ‘take a lickin’ and keep on tickin!’ I’ve spent almost 10x that on watches in the past and they have broken much faster and easier. I have had one of them for 8 years and I expect that it will last much longer.
Tori—Customer Experience I bought these sweatpants from Lucy like when I was 16. They were yoga pants and were so comfortable. Great for working out in, going to class in, flying in—just overall really great pants. I had them for 10 YEARS. They never wore out (until like year 10) or got see through. They were pretty expensive yoga pants but absolutely worth the money because of all the use i got out of them.
Anne—Data Science I had the same purple JanSport backpack all through school—maybe 8 years. At one point, I even mailed it in to get a zipper repaired and they sent it back to me in pristine condition.
Nora—Customer Experience One thing that comes to mind is my black and white turtleneck sweater with pockets. My sister and I bought the same ones at a shop in NYC a very long time ago. I have worn, washed, dried and loaned that thing out so many times. It has stood the test of time and I think it gets better with age (or I’m just a pushover for nostalgia).
Andrew—Software Development Well I purchased a couple of pairs of glasses online from Zenni Optical. Their super cheap glasses and prescription sunglasses have lasted me years. Previously I would buy the $300 pair from my optometrist and then I would step on them or sit on them and mess them up just slightly so they would be a little bit wonky. But for some reason, the Zenni ones seem to be indestructible. These are like $20 for the regular prescription glasses and maybe $60 for the prescription sunglasses.
Chris Cardello—VP of Engineering I’d say the one thing I’d point to is this floor jack that’s probably 30 years old. My dad gave it to me when I got my first house with a garage but I remember him using it when I was a kid anytime he’d have to change brake pads or oil on one the of the cars. I couldn’t even tell you the brand it’s so old and worn but it still works. It’s gotten to the point where I don’t even do my own automotive maintenance anymore but I move this thing from house to house with me because I just can’t let it go.