Holiday Gift Guide 2019
November 26, 2019
Author: Shelly Weaver-Cather
Well, well, well, if it isn’t that time of year again already. And by “that time of year,” we mean anytime after July, since apparently that’s when the holidays start now.
We’re not sure how it happened but since we’re here, we figured we’d make things a tad easier this year by doing your holiday gifting for you. No need to thank us, just enjoy being everyone’s favorite giver this season.
The best part? If you stick close to us during Black Friday week and the holiday shopping season, you’ll be scoring some great deals on all your holiday gifts.
Gifts For Your Parents
Obviously your parents already have the ultimate gift—you—but in case you want to kick it up a notch this year, consider gifting them with the kind of support they’ve given you all these years.
The Original Foam Pillow
Our Original Foam Pillow is the perfect mix of firm and soft to help them stay aligned and cozy all night long. Plus they’ll get a 3-year limited warranty, so Dad will be impressed with your practicality.
The T&N Hybrid Mattress
If you’re really looking to be lauded as The Favorite for the next ten years, why not replace that mattress they’ve had since before you were born with our most advanced comfort yet. The T&N Hybrid Mattress is springy, but soft, cradling you where you need it most.
Gifts For Your Siblings
It doesn’t matter how often you fight—you know you still love those goobers. Show them how much you care by investing in their actual dreams, instead of that bad idea of a start-up that your brother has been trying to get funded for, like, years now.
The Jersey Sheet Set
There’s nothing more snuggly than sheets that feel like that old high school t-shirt your sister stole from you six years ago. Soft, warm without being toasty, and available in fun colors for any decor, Jersey Sheets say “I love you” without having to, you know, say it.
Gifts For Your Significant Other
It’s hard to nail the perfect balance between practicality and romance, but we think there’s nothing more romantic than a gift that says “forget chores, we’re binging all of our favorite Disney Channel Original Movies on Disney+ this weekend.”
Linen Sheet Set
Hear us out. Linen sounds like a big commitment, but in reality it’s a fuss-free way to feel a little fancy and a lotta’ cozy. Your partner will think you spent a lot more, and we won’t tell them otherwise.
The Down Duvet
A gift for them could be a gift for you, too. This year, put an end to the duvet tug-of-war with our oversized design and you’ll both be snug all night long.
Gifts For Your Everyone Else
Whether it’s for your college roommate or your furrier friends, we’ve got gifts for everyone in your circle.
The Dog Bed
You can’t leave Rover out from the gifting—and maybe another bag of Beggin’ Strips isn’t quite enough to show your pride for your pooch. Our Dog Beds are comfy, sturdy, and available in flattering shades that won’t clash with your home decor.
The Throw Blanket
There’s nothing better than coming home after a long day and cuddling up on the couch with a soft, plush blanket. You’re basically giving someone the gift of self care. That’s very “in” this year
And Don’t Forget Gifts For You
While you’re spreading holiday cheer to everyone else, don’t forget to stop and take a second to get yourself something, too.
The Mint Mattress
Maybe you’re already sleeping on a T&N, or maybe you’re here looking to replace another brand, but we’ve got you covered either way. Upgrade your sleep to our bestselling Mint Mattress and get everything our fans love about our Original Mattress with a little extra luxury.
Still trying to find the perfect gift? Ask our Customer Experience team members what their favorite product is. They know their stuff.